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Marriage Guidelines

CCCVaT is the Nominating Authority for Marriage Celebrants for all Christian Brethren Churches in Victoria listed on this website.

Guidelines - To assist applicants and Marriage Celebrants in Australia a number of Commonwealth of Australia explanatory and facts sheets have been attached and a Marriage Celebrant Guidelines - Australia has also been attached.  

Aspiring Marriage Celebrants must:
  • Be fully conversant with the Marriage Act 1961 [attached] and Marriage Regulations [attached]. Explanatory notes also attached.
  • Undertake training - Marriage Celebrant training sessions are posted in the calendar section of this website.
  • Complete the Application for Licence - CCCAust-Marriage-Celebrant-Application [attached]
  • Acquire a letter of endorsement from the leadership of your church.
  • Complete the attached 'Nomination of Ministry of Religion' form [attached - a sample form is included as a guide]
  • Post or email a copy of your certificate of training, letter of endorsement, application and Nomination Form to the office of CCCVaT.
Upon receipt and approval of these documents CCCVaT will apply for a Marriage Celebrants licence on behalf of the church/applicant.
Note 1: The Department of Justice - Births, Deaths and Marriages, may take up to three months to process.
Note 2: The number of Marriage Celebrants per church is limited, so if you are unsure how many Marriage Celebrant are registered to your Church contact the office of CCCVaT to enquire before applying or if you have any questions.

Starter packs for Marriage Celebrants can be ordered from CANPRINT.
Phone: 1300 656 863 Email: marriage@infoservices.com.au
Only authorised Marriage Celebrants quoting their registration number may order.
The pack contains:
  • 1 x Marriage Register
  • 2 x Marriage Certificate Books [10 Certificates per book]
  • 1 x White Envelope Pack [25 Envelopes]
  • 1 x Notice of Intended Marraige Pack [50]
  • 1 x Marriage Certificate Pack [10 Certificates]
  • 1 x Brochure Pack [10 Brochures]
All Marriage Celebrants registered under Christian Community Churches in Australia [including those previously registered under Christian Bethren] are to use the Marriage Rites of Christian Community Churches in Australia [attached] when marrying a couple.
• From 12 June 2024 all authorised marriage celebrants are required under the Marriage Act 1961 (the Marriage Act) to meet with each party to the marriage separately and in person before they solemnise the marriage. 
This applies to all legal marriages and all authorised celebrants, including Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants, ministers of religion of a recognised denomination and State and Territory officials authorised to solemnise marriage.
Fact-sheet-Protections-for-ministers-of-religion-and-marriage-celebrants-with-religious-beliefs.pdf - 167 KB MARRIAGE-REGULATIONS-2017-Code-of-Practice.pdf - 114 KB 171218-Julie-Taylor-Correspondence-to-MC-s.docx - 14 KB 170701-CCCAust-Marriage-Rites.pdf - 45 KB
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