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About Us

The Association of Christian Community Churches in Victoria and Tasmania (CCCVaT) is a movement of like-minded local churches, predominantly of a Christian Brethren heritage, that have united under a common vision and mission, set of beliefs and core values. The movement is driven by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20), and is committed to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people and to provide a ministry of discipleship for each new believer, that they will become all that God has designed them to be.

CCCVaT’s core objective is to aid and assist local churches to more effectively reach and serve church and un-churched communities, develop ministry capacity and make disciples of Jesus. Through networking, leveraging of resources and fostering a greater sense of belonging, the movement continues to grow into a mutually supportive Kingdom-advancing network of churches that has ever increasing capacity to impact all in our circle of influence with the Good News of Jesus.

To advance the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To aid and assist churches grow the Kingdom of God.

CCCVaT serves its churches by offering:
  • Prayer ministry and support.
  • Church revitalisation and planting.
  • Equipping ministries.
  • Grants to or for:
    • Employ university students.
    • Pastoral Support.
    • Church Activation, Renewal and Equipping.
    • Short Term Mission.
    • Community Outreach.
  • Leadership equipping training and networking.
  • Mediation.
  • Nominating authority for marriage celebrants.
  • Child Safe Australia national licencee for all Brethren and approved Churches
  • Policy and guidelines development and maintenance.
  • Employer of School Chaplains under the NSCP and CCTI programs.
MEMBERSHIP of the association is open to all Christian Brethren Churches and other Christian Churches as approved by the board and members, that are located in Victoria and Tasmania and agree to the association's 'Distinctives', 'Statement of Faith' and 'Doctrinal Statement'.

These statements can be viewed in the guidelines and policy section in this website, along with the application to join the association.

POSTAL - PO BOX 2624 Ringwood North VIC 3134
EMAIL - office@cccvat.com.au
PHONE - 03 9017 3499
2021-AGM-CCCVAT-Annual-Report-V3.pptx - 10619 KB Constitution-Company-Limited-by-Guarantee-CCCVaT-Ministries-Ltd.pdf - 403 KB
David Wraight

David Wraight

Director of Ministry and Mission

David provides leadership to the movement, developing resources and initiatives that equip and enable local church leaders and communities to advance the Kingdom of God, grow the Church, reach and serve the unchurched and plant new churches. David also devotes time to mentoring and coaching global ministry leaders and assisting mission organisations to navigate change and renewal. Prior to his current role, David served as the International President of Youth for Christ (YFC) and for ten years resided with his wife Jenny in Denver, Colorado. YFC is a global movement that targets unreached and unchurched teenagers. During the time David led YFC, it expanded its reach into 140 nations, connected with over 50 million teenagers, developed a prayer movement involving 235,000 prayer intercessors and grew its staff to 35,000. David is the author of two books: The Next Wave, which describes how the world can be reached through empowering young people; and Kingdom Come, which explores what happens—or what should happen—when God’s Kingdom comes in a person’s life, in the Church and in the world. David and Jenny have three children, four grandchildren and are members of Southern Cross Community Church

Paul Gould

Paul Gould

General Manager

Paul is responsible for budgets, church support and grants, compliance, marketing, meetings, polices and guidelines, systems and various other tasks as part of CCCVaT’s mandate to aid and assist its churches grow the Kingdom of God. His past experience includes various general, marketing and merchandise management roles in fast paced automotive and recreational vehicle industries, loyalty programs, retail franchising and the chemical industry. The experience gained in these roles has equipped him to provide the expertise needed to serve and develop these ministries for CCCVaT. Paul is married with four children.

Andrew Hodgson

Andrew Hodgson

Emerging Leaders Coordinator

Andy has been a Christian for most of his life and is currently serving at Ringwood Community Church. He is a gifted singer and guitarist and has a passion to develop and deploy the youth and young leaders of our churches in the Kingdom. He is married to Rachel and together they have three children.

Ann Morison

Ann Morison

Children, Family, Women & Prayer Ministries Coordinator

Ann has a heart for advancing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, having served in church, schools and radio, using the music she writes, records and sings. She also leads children and women in connect groups and ministries.

Jenny Wraight

Jenny Wraight

General Manager - CCCVaT SSS

Jenny is a qualified and experienced Early Childhood Education teacher with training and understanding in the area of child development and early year’s education. She has experience in developing curriculum, directing educational programs, overseeing staff and working with families from a range of cultures and backgrounds. Jenny has also had experience working in children and family ministry in churches, managing Playgroups, directing children’s musicals and ‘Kids Club’ programs. Jenny and her husband David have spent most of their married life in ministry together. They have worked in an Aboriginal community, pastored a local church and spent 25 years in the ministry of Youth for Christ, culminating in 10 years in the USA where David served as International President and Jenny managed relationships with staff and supporters around the world with a particular focus on encouraging and supporting wives and women in leadership roles in the ministry. In her role with CCCVaT –Children and Family Ministries Coordinator – Jenny is keen to work alongside local churches to discover the type of ministry that will best suit their local community, their church resources and people and the needs of children and families in the area. She has access to a range of ideas and resources that can be sourced to connect with families and present the church as a place of caring and support where people are welcome and have the opportunity to meet Jesus. With CCCVaT – School Support Services, Jenny provides support and structure for the School Chaplains for whom CCCVaT is the registered funding provider. This includes liaison between the school/chaplain/CCCVaT/local churches; arranging training and input for the Chaplains; providing support, advice and a listening ear and promoting the importance of Chaplaincy in schools and local communities.

Conrad Parsons

Conrad Parsons

Church Planting & Revitalization Manager

Conrad was born in Sydney and grew up in Adelaide and in the Blue Mountains. He became a Christian in 1986 just before entering training as an evangelist. In 1991, he married Wendy in Bathurst. They moved to London in 1996 following the publication of his first book, Understanding Evangelists. In 2001, after launching an international ministry, Conrad visited Vanuatu on a three-week mission. His love of people in the Pacific Islands has continued since that visit. He has three ministry degrees including a Doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary. He and Wendy, and their children, live in Melbourne. Conrad started coaching evangelists in 2001 and now continues to teach evangelists and trains leadership coaches globally. He will be responsible to identify, equip, mobilize, and providing ongoing support for pioneer church planters to plant church-planting churches, as well as catalyzing and facilitating existing churches in the movement to revitalize and plant new congregations and churches with CCCVaT.

Pynqi Gorgonia

Pynqi Gorgonia

Communications & Events Coordinator

Pynqi will be assisting the General Manager in a variety of duties to serve our churches more effectively. She has a wealth of experience, especially in graphic design having worked in a studio in New York and with be conversant with a number of applications of CCCVaT shortly.

Raelene Gould

Raelene Gould

Accounts Officer

Raelene provides regulatory support and compliance for churches and manages accounting and payroll functions for churches that have subscribed.

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