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Leadership Equipping Grant (LEG)

Leadership Equipping Grant (LEG) has two objectives: 
  1. To equip a church to more effectively serve its assembly and community by employing a person attending its church or one that agrees to do to.
  2. To train, mentor and equip the person to become an effective leader.
LEG's are available to churches in Victoria listed on CCCVaT's website and member churches in Tasmania, that meet the criteria.

CCCVAT will fund the LEG on a dollar for dollar basis (50%) at approximately 60% of the BU VIC Stipend plus superannuation and a 1% allowance for work cover for a maximum of 1040 hours per annum and to a maximum of four years.
  1. For a complete list of critera and requirments download the Guidelines.
  2. If satisfied with the Guidelines and wishing to apply download the application form. After completing and emailing this, CCCVaT will process it and advise the Church.
  3. Where approved CCCVaT will part complete the Agreement for the Church's and attendee's signatures.
CCCVaT-Leadership-Equipping-Grant-LEG-Guidelines-V4.pdf - 379 KB CCCVaT-Leadership-Equipping-Grant-LEG-Application-V4.docx - 771 KB CCCVaT-Leadership-Equipping-Grant-LEG-Agreement-V4.docx - 1198 KB
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