- CBT means Christian Brethren Trust.
- CCCVaT means CCCVAT MINISTRIES LTD or as known as Christian Community Churches in Victoria and Tasmania.
- CCCAust means Christian Community Churches in Australia.
- CCCVaT churches and ministries means churches in Victoria listed on CCCVaT’s website and member churches in Tasmania.
- Interstate CCCAust churches and ministries – means all churches and ministries listed with CCCAust in the states and territories of the Australian Capital Territories, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify what support the executive of CCCVaT may extend to CCCAust churches and ministries listed with CCCAust.
CCCVaT is a service provider established to serve and support CCCVaT churches and ministries. CCCVaT’s primary funding source is the CBT. The CBT is bound by its deeds to support Christian [Open] Brethren Churches in Victoria. Christian [Open] Brethren Churches in Victoria and CCCVaT’s member churches in Tasmania are a part of a national movement of Christian Brethren Churches known as CCCAust.
By nature, a member of a movement will call upon other members for assistance. This can be in the form of a simple request for services or support, or it may be found to be mutually beneficial for the movement to operate or represent itself as a collective (larger number) e.g. for licencing for the purpose of better pricing and administration or to seek support (participants) from the movement for a specific program for the purposes of sustainability.
A principle of reactive rather than proactive is to be employed in respect of requests for assistance from interstate CCCAust churches or ministries.
- Advice, guidelines and policies:
- The executive may provide advice and copies of existing CCCVaT guidelines and policies.
- In the event a CCCVaT guideline or policy does not exist, the recipient of the request is to brief the DOMM regards the request to enable the DOMM to determine if such a guideline or policy is worth developing in the interests of the movement at large.
- Grants:
- Interstate CCCAust churches and ministries are not eligible for grants available to CCCVaT churches and ministries.
- CCCVaT services and programs:
- The executive may provide, and continue to provide, services to CCCAust churches and ministries on condition that it does not significantly impinge on their capacity to maintain services and support to CCCVaT churches and ministries.
- If a service is impinging on the ability of the executive to maintain services to CCCVaT churches and ministries, the DOMM is to be notified and if he/she feels it is warranted discuss the matter with the Board to determine if the executive should continue to provide such services and if so, what additional resources are needed to maintain the service.
- National licences and subscriptions:
- CCCAust churches and ministries may operate under CCCVAT’s national licences for services provided it does not add to the cost of the national licence.
- Additional licence or users costs are to be covered or reimbursed by the CCCAust church or ministry.
- CCCAust churches and ministries shall be entitled to discounts on licences or subscription available to CCCVaT churches and ministries.
- Fee-for-service:
- CCCAust churches and ministries may avail themselves of any fee-for-service CCCVaT provides to CCCVaT churches and ministries.