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David Wilson has had extensive experience in bringing people from various backgrounds, agendas and places to positions of unity in order to achieve common goals.  He began his working life on the streets of St Kilda working with people experiencing homelessness, drug addiction and prostitution. He then studied Theology and Social Science and gained a doctorate in Pastoral Care and Counselling.  He was Principal of Kingsley College for 17 years and founded the Kingsley Counselling Centre.

He was a City of Melbourne Councillor with the Community Services portfolio for 5 years; worked with government and business and has been president of Residents 3000, the political voice of people living in Melbourne's CBD.  He has been the Director of the Bible Society’s Sophia Think Tank, promoting engagement with Scripture for personal and social transformation through public theology and advocacy.

David has been engaged by CCCVaT on numerous occassions to speak at conferences and seminars.

We are pleased that he has agreed to counsel and mentor the Pastors of our church plants and other leaders.
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