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Cnr Garfield Rd & Hamilton St, Riverstone, NSW, 2765

Postal Address

PO Box 171 Riverstone, NSW, 2765


P: (02) 9838 1595

Office Hours

Mondays to Fridays: 9am - 5pm

GLO began in 1965. We have grown steadily both in training and in the ministries we have undertaken. We're based within the Christian Brethren assemblies and we see GLO in partnership with commending assemblies, assembly missionary service organisations and national leaders. GLO has developed into an international ministry and now has almost 200 people world-wide engaged in various ministries aimed at strengthening and planting assemblies.

GLO was launched in Australia in 1965 primarily through the vision of Colin Tilsley. He had the goal of furthering mission work through the use of teams. Colin was called home in 1981, at age 46, after suffering bravely Motor Neurone Disease.

A man of Vision, faith and action...
Colin TilsleyThe Spearhead magazine of June 1981 in an editorial which briefly reviewed the life of Colin Tilsley up to his homecall on 23 March 1981, described him as a 'man of vision, faith and action.'

A man of vision he certainly was, for God had given him a burden to reach the millions of this world, perishing without Christ. He took seriously the Lord's command in Mark 16:15 - "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature". He would often challenge Christians - "half the world's population have never once heard an adequate presentation of this glorious message." But how could it be done? - was the question that concerned him. It was a challenge that moved him to conceive the vision to mobilise Christians into missionary teams and to use mass distribution of Gospel portions and literature as the means of reaching the masses of people needing to hear the Good News.

First GLO TeamA man of faith he also was, for he immediately set about challenging for 10 young Christians to join a team heading for Madras in India in August 1966, to do what seemed an impossible task - namely to sell 500,000 Gospel portions to poor Indians over a period of two years - and to provide follow-up in fellowship with local assemblies for those who responded to an invitation to do further Bible studies. Imagine a handfull of young Australians seeking to sell about 1000 Gospel portions a day to impoverished Indians, accomplish what in our eyes seemed impossible. His vision to see training facilities established in Smithton, Tasmania, worth about $100,000 (in 1976 dollars) also seemed an impossibility but not to a man of (God honouring) faith.

GLO Ministries operates with a vision and set of values based on biblical principles and operates with the motto, Serving and Training all Over the World and draws its staff from Christian churches.
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