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Oldaker Christian Church


Sundays 10:00am
Worship Night Quarterly
Prayer Meeting Thursday 12pm
Chisel Youth Friday 7pm


36-38 Oldaker Street, Devonport TAS 7310


P 03 6169 2429 / 0407 864 284

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Oldaker Christian Church is a community of faith, love and hope made up of people of varying ages, interests and backgrounds who are exploring and living out the Christian faith together.

We do most of the things that churches generally do - we worship, we engage with the bible, we eat together, we hang out with each other, we pray, we have fun, we support and love each other, we do life together, we serve the community.

We believe that through Jesus anyone can find true life, love, hope and a relationship with God and so together we are attempting to follow him and live his way.

Our vision is simply to be “A Living Church in the Living City”

We want to be a living, joyful, welcoming community of people, who live Jesus way, and we want to give everyone we interact with an opportunity to know and follow Jesus and find real life in him.

And our church building is located on Oldaker Street - in the heart of Devonport’s Living City Project -so it makes sense for us to be a living church in the living city.
We want to be a church where people who encounter us feel:
  • blessed by their interaction with us; and
  • a warm sense of welcome, hospitality, acceptance and belonging;
and where they:
  • are given thoughtful opportunities to believe in Jesus; and
  • where they can grow in their faith and become mature followers of Jesus who live their lives well.
Bless. Belong. Believe. Become. 
As a church community, we get together every Sunday morning at 10am to worship God, catch up with each other, learn from the bible, celebrate communion and have morning tea together.

Generally, a Sunday Service will involve a worship band, a bible reading, a sermon (talk from the bible), communion, a primary school aged kids program and morning tea - all done in a relaxed and down to earth way and all finished by around 11.30am each week.
We love having visitors join us so you’d be very welcome to just turn up any Sunday!

Morning tea is available anytime from 9.40 onwards!
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